Archive for the 'chron me!' Category

Il cronometro online ChronMe

Published on January 8, 2025

Prendere il controllo del tempo che impieghiamo ad eseguire una mansione ogni giorno è un buon metodo di aumentare la nostra produttività. Per molti di noi, il nostro computer è come un buco nero dove le ore spariscono e non appena ce ne accorgiamo è già sera ed ancora non abbiamo combinato niente. Questo è il momento in cui ci facciamo la tipica domanda: Ma che ho fatto tutto il giorno?

Una soluzione a questo problema può essere ChronMe, un cronometro online che ti aiuterà a misurare il tempo speso in diverse attività della giornata, tenendo un registro interattivo sotto forma di lista. Ti terrà aggiornato sulle varie attività svolte, quando le hai cominciate e quanto tempo vi hanno preso.

La versione inglese del cronometro online ChronMe è in attività dal 2008. Fino ad oggi abbiamo ricevuto molti riscontri positivi da utenti che lo usano per:

  • preparare discorsi
  • monitorare tempi di esecuzione progetti
  • monitorare ritardi di produzione
  • misurare contrazioni del travaglio prenatali
  • calcolare durate chiamate dei call center
  • monitorare le richieste di servizio a una società di taxi
  • sincronizzare i video di alta qualità

Ha un formato intuitivo con soli due bottoni: uno per avviare e uno per lo stop, cioè il cronometro, l’altro serve a resettare il cronometro. Ogni qualvolta fermi il cronometro una nuova riga appare nella lista indicando il tempo di partenza, durata e la data esatta.

Le liste risultanti possono essere scaricati su computer in formato CSV e SCSV, che può essere importato in qualsiasi software compatibile come ad esempio Excel. La maggior parte degli utenti europei troveranno che il formato SCSV inserirà i dati in colonne quando aperto con Excel. L’approccio migliore è quello di provarli tutti e vedere quale risponde alle vostre esigenze.

Stoper online ChronMe

Published on

Kontrolowanie naszego czasu związane z wykonywaniem naszych codziennych zadań jest dobrym sposobem na zwiększanie naszej produktywności. Dla wielu z nas nasz komputer jest trochę jak czarna dziura, w której znikają godziny i po chwili orientujemy się, że straciliśmy praktycznie cały wieczór bez zrobienia niczego. Wtedy zadajemy sobie pytanie: Co robiłem cały dzień?

Jedno z rozwiązań tego problemu to stoper online ChronMe, który pomoże Ci mierzyć czas spędzony na wykonywaniu codziennych czynności poprzez tworzenie swego rodzaju listy. Pomoże Ci oszacować ile czasu trwały i kiedy się zaczęły różne rzeczy, które robiłeś.

Wersja angielska stopera online ChronMe działa od 2008. Do tej pory otrzymaliśmy wiele pozytywnych opinii od użytkowników, który używają stopera online do:

  • Przygotowania przemów
  • Monitorowania czasu trwania projektów
  • Monitorowania opóźnień w fabrykach
  • Mierzenia odstępów między skurczami porodowymi
  • Mierzenia czasu rozmów telefonicznych w call center
  • Monitorowania czasu realizacji usług taksówkarskich
  • Synchronizacji wysokiej jakości wideo

Istnieją tu tylko dwa przyciski: jeden uruchamia i stopuje stoper online a drugi go resetuje. Za każdym razem, kiedy zatrzymujesz stoper, pojawi się nowa linijka na liście pokazująca czas startu, długość danej czynności i dokładną datę, kiedy się to zadziało.

Lista rezultatów może zostać pobrana na komputer w formacie CSV lub SCVS, które mogą być zaimportowane do arkuszy kalkulacyjnych jak na przykład Excel. Większość użytkowników z Europy spotka się z tym, że format SCSV ułoży dane w kolumnach, kiedy otworzą plik w Excelu. Najlepszym sposobem jest zobaczenie, który format pasuje Ci najbardziej.

ChronMe. Stopwatch online since 2008.

Published on April 3, 2021

Taking control of the time it takes us to perform each days tasks is a good way to increase our productivity. For many of us, our computer is like a black hole where hours disappear and by the time we notice it we have lost all evening without accomplishing anything. This is when we ask ourselves the typical question: What did I do all day?

One solution to this problem can be found in ChronMe, an online stopwatch which will help you measure the time spent on several daily activities by taking keeping an interactive itinerary in the form of a list. It will keep you up to date with the different things you have done, when they started and how long it has taken you to do them.

The English version of the ChronMe online stopwatch has been running since 2008. To date we have received several good remarks from users who use the stopwatch to:

  • prepare speeches
  • monitor project times
  • monitor factory delays
  • measure prenatal labor contractions
  • measure call times at contact centers
  • monitor service requests at a cab company
  • synchronize high quality video

On its intuitive format there are only two buttons: one button starts and stops the timer, the other resets the stopwatch. Each time you stop the watch a new line will appear on your list indicating the start time, length of time passed and the exact date when it happened.

The resulting lists can be downloaded to a computer in CSV and SCSV format, which can be imported into any compatible software such as Excel. Most European users will find that the SCSV format will place the data into columns when opened with Excel. The best approach is to try each and see which suits you best.

Since 2008 we have served close to 20 million users worldwide:
ChronMe users Worldwide since 2008

Finally. ChronMe Stopwatch for Android

Published on July 18, 2015
It has taken a while, but finally we have also launched ChronMe Stopwatch as Android app. You’ll be able to download it from Google’s Playstore.
As with the Iphone app you will be able to send your activity report by email instead of downloading it directly to your computer.
Get the app:

ChronMe now as Iphone app

Published on September 25, 2014
ChronMe is now also available as Iphone App on Applestore. Instead of downloading your activity report you will be able to send it by email.
Access the app on

Chronme Online Stopwatch – 30s videotutorial by Len Charnoff

Published on March 5, 2009

Have a look at Len Charnoff’s 30s Videotutorial about Chronme:

Note:Unfortunately Len Charnoff’s videotutorials are no longer online

Online Stopwatch Feedback

Published on January 29, 2009

If you used the stopwatch why don’t you leave me some feedback?

What did you use it for?
Did you like it?
Did you use the download feature?
Any suggestion?

So far I’m aware of following uses:
– record the time used to complete tests on a mathematics page
– record time to complete tests on a music teaching site.
– record time between contractions to know when to run to the hospital. I would never had expected this one 🙂

Online Stopwatch video instructions

Published on November 9, 2008

Online Stopwatch –
Use as time management tool. Record daily activities and save the report to your computer.

1. Press start
2. Press stop
3. Add a label to describe your activity
4. Repeat as often as needed
5. Download to your computer or open with Excel

Install the Chronme widget on your Blog

Published on November 8, 2008

Now you can have your own Stopwatch like the one you see on the sidebar!

Paste the following code on your blog or web and whenever your visitors need to keep track of their time they will have a reason to come back

It may also be a good idea to place it near you adsense unit.